
Showing posts from October, 2020

Register & Login form in Angular 9 + Php + MySql + Reactive Form + Flex Layout

  Hi Friends, In this document is useful to create Register & Login using angular 9, Php & MySql and Flex Layout. Create an angular project and build the project ng new project_name cd project_name ng serve   Open VS Code and import the angular project   Install the material angular package and flex layout package ng add @angular/material npm I –s @angular/flex-layout   Create a module file for material components and login/register/Home components ng generate module angular-material ng generate component login-register ng generate component home   Use the below code in angular material module file.     Material Module: Import the material module, Flex in app module.ts import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import {A11yModule} from '@angular/cdk/a11y'; import {ClipboardModule} from '@angular/cdk/clipboard'; import {DragDropModule} from '@angular/cdk/drag-drop'; import {PortalModule} from '@angular/

Register Rest api using PHP and MySql database


Login Rest api using PHP and MySql


How to connect the MySql database through PHP Script


How to set video in background of android app layout | Play the video in...


How to set video in background of android app layout

  You will learn how to play the video in background of android app layout.

Startup for Angular Web development with Material components | Angular t...


Get Foods Api using PHP & MySql for REST Api | Basic PHP tutorial - Part...


Insert Api using PHP & MySql for REST Api | Basic PHP tutorial - Part 3 ...


MySql connection with PHP script | Basic PHP tutorial - Part 2 (Tamil)


Basic PHP tutorial | XAMPP tool installation and PHP script


Prevent the negative value in number fields even iphan (-) and character (e) in number input type

If we use number type in input field. In this case it will allows the characters are (e) and (-). Here we can restrict that character while we do input. Solution: Keycodes: e : 69, - : 189 <input type="number" onkeydown="return event.keyCode !== 69 && event.keyCode !== 189" /> Reference for keycode finder : Demo:

How to trigger/access the child component method from parent component

  We can do this by using @ViewChild. Reference : Stackblitz demo : Way 1) With type selector Parent component: export   class   ParentComponent   implements   OnInit   { //Type selector    @ ViewChild ( ChildComponent )  childComp :   ChildComponent ;    constructor ()   {}   ngOnInit ()   {}   parentClickEvent ()   {      this . childComp . childMethod ();    } } Child Component: export   class   ChildComponent   implements   OnInit   {   childMethodStatus  =   "Child Method not trigered" ;   count  =   0 ;    constructor ()   {}   ngOnInit ()   {}   childMethod ()   {      this . count  =   this . count  +   1 ;      this . childMethodStatus  =   "Child Method trigered "   +   this . count ;    } } Way 2) With string selector Parent component - TS: export   class   ParentComponent   implements   OnInit   { //String selector    @ V

Rest API integration in Outsystem for Beginners | How to consume rest AP...


Signup/ Register form design in Photoshop for Android App | How to creat...


How to commit the source in BitBucket via Android Studio VCS for Beginne...


Maxlength attribute not working in number input type (Chrome)

  The maxlength attribute is not working with <input type="number"> . This happens only in Chrome. Solution: <input onkeypress="if(this.value.length==6) return false;" type="number" /> Demo:

Android app development tutorial for Beginners from the scratch in Tamil...


How to open the datepicker dialog by clicking on mat-input field in Angular

Solution: We can add the focus event in input field like the below example: (focus)="" < mat-form-field > < input matInput [ matDatepicker ]= "datePicker" placeholder = "Choose a date" ( focus )= "" > < mat-datepicker-toggle matSuffix [ for ]= "datePicker" > </ mat-datepicker-toggle > < mat-datepicker #datePicker> </ mat-datepicker > </ mat-form-field >  

Firebase Web Hosting in Tamil | How to do hosting the website using Fire...


isNullOrUndefined(Object), isNull(Object) in the Util Module is deprecated in Angular 9. Alternative for isNullOrUndefined

  Util module depreacted in angular. Here we are going to see the alternative for isNullOrUndefine, isNull, isUndefined. import  {   isUndefined ,  isNull ,  isNullOrUndefined  }  from   'util' ; Alternative for util Modules: export function isNullOrUndefined<T>(obj: T | null | undefined): obj is null | undefined { return typeof obj === 'undefined' || obj === null; }

What is an android Activity,AppCompatActivity and Fragment Activity. Interview Question

An Activity is an user accessible screen. An activity class loads the all UI widget/component through XML file Every activity must be declared in androidmanifest.xml file which is in your project Activity is a baseline class. Its derived from "android.view.ContextThemeWrapper" AppComptActivity - Its used for defined the material design widget in UI. We are using AppCompatActivity instead of the ActionBarActivity (ActionBarActivity is Deprecated). AppCompatActivity derived from "". FragmentActivity - Its used to define the Nested fragment in our activity class. Its inherit from "androidx.activity.ComponentActivity" and ComponentActivity is derived from our Baseline Activity class Dependency for AppCompatActivity:   implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0'