
Showing posts from November, 2020

Android Material design components setup

  Hello guys, In this tutorial, the document will help to start with material design in android. If you are not yet implemented the material design component in your project, follow these step by step process to use the material component. M aterial D esign (MD) was designed by Google in 2014 . It's available to many Google application products Like Android, Angular, etc. It's available in the android lollipop version. M aterial D esign elements look like paper and ink design and some elements have hover effects and realistic shadow designs. Step 1: Make sure to check the google maven repository in build.gradle (Project) in your application. buildscript { repositories { google() //-----> Google Maven Repository jcenter() } Step 2: Add the latest material library in build.gradle (App Module) in your application. dependencies { implementation fileTree( dir : "libs" , include : [ "*.jar" ]) implementation 'androidx.ap...

Ionic 5 tutorial in Tamil 2020 for beginners | ஐயோனிக் டுடோரியல் தமிழில்


Google assistant for mobile app | How to open app actions through google...


Responsive Angular login and register form with PHP Restful Api - 2020 |...


Google Assistant Implementation in Android application with app actions

  Process flow to create app action in android native: Step 1) Create action.xml with Built-In Intent and defined in androidmanifest.xml Step 2) Create deep link through firebase dynamic link SDK Step 3) Map the Deeplink with built-in Intent in android action.xml Step 4) Create the application in Playstore Step 5) Upload the signed apk in Playstore as save in draft Step 6) Open the app action testing tool from latest android studio after upload the apk in playstore Step 7) Login the same google account in playstore, android studio and android device Step 8) Make sure the check the same Locale language (en-Us) in Android device and action testing tool   Built-In Intent & Sample Query: actions.intent. OPEN_APP_FEATURE           - Open History in <innovationName>           - Open sale in <innovationName>         ...