
Showing posts from 2021

How to create and push new git branch without history of master/other branch

  Hi, Everyone, Here, We are going to see how to create a new branch without existing git source code. For that we need to use this (--orphan) keyword in git Create an orphan branch, It does not have a master branch source, it's like an empty branch, So, we can push our new source in this branch git checkout --orphan <name_of_the_orphan_branch> git commit Then you can push your new source in the orphan branch git push <remote-name> <orphan_branch-name> Thank you, Happy coding😊...

How to Extract/Read data from Excel document in Angular

 Extract/Read data from Excel document in Angular EXCEL DATA RESULT Install node library: npm i  xlsx Dependency Link Import XLSX Package import * as XLSX from 'xlsx' ; Install node library: <input type="file" (change)="onFileChange($event)"> Event to extract data from Excel document in typescript: onFileChange ( event: any ) { /* wire up file reader */ const target : DataTransfer = < DataTransfer >(event. target ); if (target. files . length !== 1 ) { throw new Error ( 'Cannot use multiple files' ); } const reader : FileReader = new FileReader (); reader. readAsBinaryString (target. files [ 0 ]); reader. onload = ( e: any ) => { /* create workbook */ const binarystr : string = e. target . result ; const wb : XLSX . WorkBook = XLSX . read (binarystr, { type : 'binary' }); /* selected the first sheet */ const wsname : string = wb. SheetNames

Automation testing for ionic

Automation UI Testing for Ionic E2E testing your Ionic application on native Android and iOS devices. Need to have basic understanding of Javascript, Typescript, Jasmine, Protrocter Appium server: Appium is tool for automation testing in mobile application * Install the Appium npm as a local dependency             npm i -D appium Step 1- To download a chrome driver, go to the Step 2- Add in package.json "appium": "appium --chromedriver-executable e2e/chromedriver" Step 3- Start the appium Server             npm run appium * APPIUM Desktop Tool Install & Start the appium desktop software instead of appium npm package Step 1 - Download Appium desktop tool : Step 2 – Start Appium server CONFIGURE THE E2E TESTING TOOLS IN YOUR IONIC PROJECT *PROTRACTOR * INSTALL PROTRACTOR AS A LOCAL NPM DEPENDENCY             npm install -D protractor * CONFIGURE TYPESCRIPT             np

Product Register using Firestore, Angular web, Firebase hosting | Fireba...


CRUD Operations in Outsystems | Easy & Fast way to develop mobile applic...


Architecture of Android | What is android architecture? | ஆண்ட்ராய்டு கட...


History of Android OS || ஆண்ட்ராய்டு இலவச பயிற்சி 2021


Android supported platform & devices || ஆண்ட்ராய்டு இலவச பயிற்சி 2021


Features of Android OS for Beginner | ஆண்ட்ராய்டு அம்சங்கள் |ஆண்ட்ராய்டு...


What is Android? | Introduction of Android OS for Beginner|| ஆண்ட்ராய்டு...


Google assistant for IONIC mobile app | How to open app actions through ...


Offline data sync in Outsystems | Data Sync Exercise with local database


Delete event in Outsystems | How to delete server entity item from clien...


Filter, Sort by events in Outsystems | How to filter and sort the entity...
