
Showing posts from May, 2021

Automation testing for ionic

Automation UI Testing for Ionic E2E testing your Ionic application on native Android and iOS devices. Need to have basic understanding of Javascript, Typescript, Jasmine, Protrocter Appium server: Appium is tool for automation testing in mobile application * Install the Appium npm as a local dependency             npm i -D appium Step 1- To download a chrome driver, go to the Step 2- Add in package.json "appium": "appium --chromedriver-executable e2e/chromedriver" Step 3- Start the appium Server             npm run appium * APPIUM Desktop Tool Install & Start the appium desktop software instead of appium npm package Step 1 - Download Appium desktop tool : Step 2 – Start Appium server CONFIGURE THE E2E TESTING TOOLS IN YOUR IONIC PROJECT *PROTRACTOR * INSTALL PROTRACTOR AS A LOCAL NPM DEPENDENCY             npm install -D protractor * CONFIGURE TYPESCRIPT             np

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