
Showing posts from February, 2024

How to fetch all files from Firebase hosting site

 Run the below npx script Open the command line and use the below comment with your site domain name npx <site_name> Eg: Sample Site : https:// androidmani npx androidmani

Remove last page routes in flutter

  If you want to remove the last page then use it. Get . off ( Login() )   If you want to remove the all previous page then use it.      Get . reset (); Get . offAndToNamed ( Login() ); Get . offAll ( Login() )

Remove unused imports and declaration in visual studio code

  Since VSCode v.1.24 and TypeScript v.2.9  Organize Imports  was added: For Mac:  option + Shift + O For Win:  Alt + Shift + O

Flutter Debug mode

  To remove the flutter debug banner, there are several possibilities : 1- The first one  is to use the  debugShowCheckModeBanner  property in your  MaterialApp  widget. Code : MaterialApp( debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false , ) And then do a  hot reload . 2-The second possibility  is to  hide the debug mode banner  in  Flutter Inspector  if you use  Android Studio  or  IntelliJ IDEA . 3- The third possibility  is to use  Dart DevTools . But if you want to switch to release mode, Use this command to run your app  flutter run --release or In Android Studio, click on : >   Run >   Flutter Run 'main.dart' in Release Mode