
Showing posts from October, 2023

Topics of Angular development

  Angular topics Installation Components Module Data Binding Parent-child communication (@Input, @Output) String interpolation {{}} One-Way Binding - Custom, Property Binding Two Way Binding [(ngModel)] Directives Component directive <app-root></app-root> Attribute directive ngClass, ngStyle, ngModel Structural directive ngIf, ngFor, ngSwitch LifeCycle Hooks Host Binding & Attribute Directives Custom Directives Structural Directives Pipes Dependency Injection (DI) Services Routers Router Guard HTTP client Forms Template Driven Reactive FormRouters @ViewChild @ViewChildren Ng-content @ContentChild @ContentChildren Ng-template Ng-container Pipe RxJs Stream Observables Subscription Unit Testing Karma Jasmin Angular Material Animation Progressive Web Apps (PWA) REST API with NestJS and mongoDB Firebase, Firestore and AngularFire

Creating Orphan branches in Bitbucket

How we can create an empty branch in bitbucket using git command? git checkout --orphan <orphan-branch-name> git rm -rf . git commit --allow-empty -m “Empty branch” git push origin <orphan-branch-name>