Topics of Angular development


Angular topics

  1. Installation
  2. Components
  3. Module
  4. Data Binding
    1. Parent-child communication (@Input, @Output)
    2. String interpolation {{}}
    3. One-Way Binding - Custom, Property Binding
    4. Two Way Binding [(ngModel)]
  5. Directives
    1. Component directive
      1. <app-root></app-root>
    2. Attribute directive
      1. ngClass, ngStyle, ngModel
    3. Structural directive
      1. ngIf, ngFor, ngSwitch
  1. LifeCycle Hooks
  2. Host Binding & Attribute Directives
  3. Custom Directives
  4. Structural Directives
  5. Pipes
  6. Dependency Injection (DI)
  7. Services
  8. Routers
  9. Router Guard
  10. HTTP client
  11. Forms
    1. Template Driven
    2. Reactive FormRouters
  12. @ViewChild
  13. @ViewChildren
  14. Ng-content
  15. @ContentChild
  16. @ContentChildren
  17. Ng-template
  18. Ng-container
  19. Pipe
  20. RxJs
    1. Stream
    2. Observables
    3. Subscription
  21. Unit Testing
    1. Karma
    2. Jasmin
  22. Angular Material
  23. Animation
  24. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
  25. REST API with NestJS and mongoDB
  26. Firebase, Firestore and AngularFire


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