Create custom cordova plugin for ionic

Install plugman for create a custom plugin

CLI command:
npm install -g plugman

Create a plugin using plugman:

plugman create --name AppName --plugin_id cordova-plugin-myapp --plugin_version 0.0.1

cd AppName

Create a package json for the plugin:

plugman createpackagejson AppName

Add a platform for android and ios:

plugman platform add --platform_name android
plugman platform add --platform_name ios

Upload the plugin in github repositary


Publish the plugin in NPM repository
npm publish --access=public

Login npm for publish the plugin
npm login

Check the existing user through command line
npm whoami

Install the plugin in Ionic/Cordova project from the npm repository

npm install <plugin_name>
ionic cordova plugin add <plugin_name>


Install the plugin from local director to node modules folder

npm install <local_directory/plugin folder>

Eg: npm install pluginsrc/MicrChequeReader

Install the plugin from local director to ionic plugins folder

ionic cordova plugin add <plugin_id>


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