How to clean up the unused imports, variable and function from Typescript

To remove unused code from TypeScript files in your project, you can use the "Purge & Unused CSS" extension or tools like "TSLint" with its related plugins. These tools can help you identify and remove unused code, including variables, functions, and imports, from your TypeScript files.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you remove unused code using TSLint and related plugins:

Using TSLint and TSLint Unused Imports Plugin:

  • Install TSLint:
  • If you haven't installed TSLint in your project, you can install it using npm or yarn:

    npm install tslint --save-dev # or yarn add tslint --dev

  • Install TSLint Unused Imports Plugin:
  • Install the tslint-plugin-unused-imports plugin to help identify and remove unused imports:

    npm install tslint-plugin-unused-imports --save-dev # or yarn add tslint-plugin-unused-imports --dev

  • Create TSLint Configuration File:
  • Create a tslint.json configuration file in your project root or update an existing one. Add the following configuration to enable the unused-imports rule from the tslint-plugin-unused-imports plugin:
  "extends": ["tslint:recommended"],
  "rules": {
    "unused-imports": true
  "rulesDirectory": [

  • Run TSLint:
  • Run TSLint on your TypeScript files to identify unused imports:

    ./node_modules/.bin/tslint -p tsconfig.json --fix

    The --fix option automatically fixes fixable problems.

  • Review Changes:
  • After running TSLint with the --fix option, review the changes made to ensure that only unused imports have been removed and no unintended changes have been made.


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