Decompile or (Reverse Engine) an APK on macOS
jd-gui -
apktool -
dex2jar -
Download and Install APKTool:
Once you have the JDK installed, you can download and install APKTool using Homebrew:
brew install apktool
Verify Installation:
After installing APKTool, you can verify the installation by running the following command in Terminal:
apktool --version
Usage: To decompile an APK file using APKTool, navigate to the directory containing the APK file in Terminal and run the following command:
apktool d filename.apk
If this error occur:
Here's how you can install the Apple Command Line Tools and resolve the error:
1. Install Apple Command Line Tools:
You can install the Apple Command Line Tools using the following command in the Terminal:
xcode-select --install
This command will prompt you to install the Command Line Tools. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
2. Retry Installing python@3.12 with Homebrew:
After successfully installing the Apple Command Line Tools, retry installing python@3.12 with Homebrew using the following command:
brew install python@3.12
3. Install APKTool:
Once you've installed python@3.12, you can proceed to install APKTool using the following commands:
brew install apktool
This command will install APKTool on your macOS system, allowing you to decompile and analyze APK files.
Step 2
Decompiling dex to jar with dex2jar
Change the file extension of the apk to zip.
After obtaining the jar file, you can use jd-gui to view the jar code.
Step 3: Viewing jar code with JD-GUI
JD-GUI is a popular Java decompiler that allows you to view the source code of Java .class files, including .jar files, without needing the original source code. While JD-GUI doesn't have an official macOS version, you can still run it on macOS using Wine or through a Docker container.
Here are the steps to run JD-GUI for JAR files on macOS:
1. Install Wine:
Wine is a compatibility layer that allows you to run Windows applications on macOS. You can install Wine using Homebrew with the following command:
brew install --cask wine
brew install --cask twine
2. Download JD-GUI:
Download the JD-GUI .jar file from the official website: JD-GUI Download
3. Run JD-GUI with Wine:
Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the JD-GUI .jar file and run it using Wine with the following command:
wine jd-gui-x.y.z.jar
Replace jd-gui-x.y.z.jar with the actual name of the JD-GUI .jar file you downloaded.
Launch the JD-GUI with jar file "classes-dex2jar.jar"
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