Janus vulnerability fix for android application
Janus vulnerability android
Step 1: Take debug Build from the android studio:
Step 2: Make it an unsigned apk with debug.apk using zip align
C:\Users\--\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\32.0.0\zipalign -v -p 4 app-debug.apk my-app-unsigned-aligned.apk
Step 3: Make it a signed apk using the release keystore with unsigned apk
C:\Users\--\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\32.0.0\apksigner.bat sign --ks sample.jks --out my-app-release.apk my-app-unsigned-aligned.apk
Step 4: Now, We can see that v1, v2, and v3 have verified status
C:\Users\hello\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\32.0.0\apksigner.bat verify --verbose my-app-release.apk
Step 5: Make a v4 Signature using the below comment
C:\Users\hello\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\32.0.0\apksigner.bat verify -v -v4-signature-file my-app-release.apk.idsig my-app-release.apk
NOTE: Make sure to use the latest JDK
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